Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 44 - Fish Taco & Sushi

Rather an odd combo, but the sushi was made on Sunday evening, and likely wouldn't last much longer (first time making sushi - my husband did a great job!).  The fish tacos - well, there was a bit of grilled fish left, and taco shells. 

Menu Ecclectic:
- Fish Tacos (grilled fish, mayo, red lettuce & avocado in an organic tortilla shell)
- Homemade Sushi (shrimp, avocado & cucumber)
- Banana

I don't know about you, but I don't want to participate in the largest (known) experiment on humans - genetically modified food (GMO).  in the US, most conventional corn is GMO, unless you buy certified organic.  Within the definition of USDA Organic, the food cannot be genetically modified.  Hence, only organic tacos, tortilla chips and even frozen corn for this house! 


The Fish Taco Ingredients

The Fish Tacos

Fish Taco in Cotton Wrap

First Fold

Second Fold

And so on...


Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 43 - Pinwheels

My daughter's birthday party gave us a few leftovers (sorry Stephen)!  I made 3 types of pinwheels to try to accommodate a 4-6 year old audience used to pizza.  First of all - let me tell you  (some of you may know), how nerve-wracking it is to try to cater to an audience of kids who don't exactly eat the way we do, and one of which has a nut allergy!  I usually read the ingredient lists of grocery store items  - which made me go from store to store to find wraps without trans fats; but this time I reread them several times to ensure there were NO nuts even close to the food items used.

I ended up with a couple trays of fruit, veggies & hummus and pinwheels.  The pinwheels were (all on whole spelt, organic wraps): cream cheese, cream cheese and cucumbers, cream cheese & turkey breast (organic with no nitrates added).  I could sleep OK knowing that at my kid's birthday, I was true to my healthy food philosophy (vegans forgive me...).

Lunch Bag
- Pinwheels
- Carrots, Cucumbers & Hummus
- Fruit Salad
- Blueberry Scones


In the Stainless Container with Cucumbers & Carrots
 I don't usually buy individual-sizes for food (for environmental & pricing concerns), but for the birthday party, it seemed a better idea to use these little ones.
Individual-Sized Hummus
 This might look a little unappetizing!  I made melon (cantaloupe) balls for the party (for fruit kabobs) and used the leftovers for this fruit salad (very odd shapes - if you were in manufacturing, you'd understand the term offal).  Also had leftover pineapples that didn't make it on the kabobs.  Voila, next day's fruit salad.
Fruit Salad
And finally, the last of last week's blueberry scones!
Blueberry Scones

Day 42 - Broccoli & Squash Penne

- Broccoli & Squash Penne
- Homemade Apple Chips
- Pumpkin Seeds

Made lots of penne the night before.  Leftovers I tossed with some broccoli and squash (another night's meal left in the fridge).  Kind of a cacophony of leftovers.

Penne Stir Fry

Pumpkin Seeds
Homemade Apple Chips

Day 41 - Sole Sandwich

Playing blog catchup again.  Last Thursday I used the fish I had made a couple nights earlier (doubled the amount), and put it on a whole grain bun with a bit of mayo.  The fish was just grilled with a bit of olive oil and lemon.

- Sole Sandwich
- Carrots
- Kale Chips
- Banana

Sole Sandwich
Carrots - Oops, wrong photo - but you get the idea.

Cheesy Kale Chips

OK, monkey wasn't included...just seeing who is paying attention.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 40 - Cucumber & Black Bean Hummus Sandwich

Lunch Menu
- Cucumber & Black Bean Hummus
- Carrots
- Apple Slices

I made a variation of my regular hummus last night - made it with 1/2 chick peas and 1/2 black beans.  Turned out super delicious, but looks a bit like wet cement :).

Black Bean Hummus

Prepping the Sandwich

Add a little lettuce and all done!

Day 39 - Inca Rice & Beans

Inca? rice and beans?  Well - I used quinoa in addition to rice to make this adaptation of the traditional rice and beans.  Since the Inca highly revered quinoa, I took some creative liberties in naming the lunch dish!

This is also a day late - this time because I couldn't type very well yesterday with the gash I made into my finger slicing apples for said lunch...I guess I should not have sharpened all my knives! 

Tuesday Lunch:
- Inca Rice & Beans: Wild Rice, Quinoa, Chick Peas
- Apple Slices (hopefully no one got a slice of my finger)
- Carrots
- Oatmeal, Banana & Chocolate Chip Cookie (now all gone)

Inca Rice & Beans

Oatmeal, Banana & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 38 - Whatever I could find in the Refrigerator Salad

I was running off of steam this morning - was at the ER 8 hours, until 11 p.m. last night with my little boy and a lacerated chin (some 20+ stitches later).  So, I only had to pack one lunch today and I did not have a chance to run to the grocery store yesterday. Translation - HELP!

The Irresistible Menu du Jour
- Quinoa, Tofu, Veggie & Cottage Cheese Salad (oh, right, and some chick peas)
- Apple Slices
- Corn Muffin

On Saturday I made lettuce wraps - hence the  tofu and veggies mixture.  I also had some leftover red quinoa in the fridge that was still respectable.  And, an unopened container of cottage cheese caught my eye.  Not something you'd find in a fancy restaurant, but I threw it all together, with a little olive oil and SHE ATE IT ALL!!!  Amazing, especially since she wasn't that fond of the tofu lettuce wraps!  Just proves that with a little creativity, there is life after leftovers.

Surprise Salad

Corn Muffin

Day 37 - Caprese Salad

Apparently last week I was 'blog-challenged'.  Looking at my blog I realized that I totally missed Friday.  So, to catch up:

- Caprese Salad (tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, olive oil, basil - and I add balsamic vinegar and avocado if I have it)
- Apple Chips
- Grapes
- Banana Chocolate Chip Cookie

Caprese Salad with Avocado
 Funny - usually I'm pretty good at estimating how much to make to fill the thermos containers, but this time I underestimated, so I topped up with some chickpeas I had leftover from making hummus earlier in the week!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 36 - Smoked Salmon

Lunch Box Menu
- Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese on Rye Wasa Bread
- Cheesy Kale Chips
- Vegan Blueberry Scones
- Apple

We have a smoker which we use maybe twice a year.  My husband is the king of the smoker (and the grill, for that matter) - I don't enter these domains!  He smoked some lovely salmon a couple of weeks ago which we enjoy mostly as little appetizers, but it served me well with my bare fridge today.  I just took out some whole grain wasa bread, spread a little cream cheese on it and then the smoked salmon.  Kids did eat it after a bit of coaching - there sense of smell was leaning a little too much on the smoked side! 

Smoked Salmon on Wasa
The Kale chips were made in the dehydrator - a favorite among raw foodists.  The "cheesy" is the vegan substitute - soaked raw cashews and nutritional yeast.  Got my daughter to eat them and my son tried them, but only ate a couple.  I guess I shouldn't complain!
Cheesy Kale Chips

Lastly, the vegan, low gluten (made with spelt flour) blueberry scones.  Delectible!

Vegan Blueberry Scones

Day 35 - Butternut Squash Soup

Oops - forgot to post yesterday!

Tis the season for butternut squash, and a family favorite of ours is butternut squash soup which I made a huge pot of on the weekend.  Really easy recipe with butternut squash soup, chicken stock, cream cheese, onion, marjoram, cayenne and a bit of salt to taste.  Blend it all up for a creamy YUM!

- Butternut Squash Soup
- Tamari Rice Crackers
- Apple

Simple, but a hit.  This was the first time  I wasn't impressed with the heat retaining property of the thermos containers, but I suspect i hurried the heating of the soup on the stove in the morning and it wasn't heated all the way through.

Butternut Squash Soup

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 34 - Crab Cakes & Birthday Surprise!

Forget the menu for a minute.  My baby turned 6 today!  So, I actually made cookies (I can count on my fingers how many times I have done that - I'm a cook, not much of a baker (too many exact measurements for my squiggle personality).

Of course, I can't just make any cookies.  The main ingredient can NOT be sugar (actually I'd rather not have any sugar), and whole grains, please.

So, I found a yummy recipe in one of my cancer cookbooks, if you can believe it.  Oatmeal, banana & chocolate chip cookies.  Made with maple syrup and whole wheat flour.  The chocolate chips - well, I usually substitute carob, but figured the cookies are a treat and I wanted to ensure that all the kids at my daughter's school would eat them.  Of course, can't serve cookies without raspberries on the side! And, added in some apple cider fresh from a local farm (but did dilute it in some water).  This year I got to stay and watch the birthday procession at school - very sweet. They put the "sun" in the center of the circle of kids.  Then the birthday child walks around the sun as many times as years old, signifying a year of the earth's rotation around the sun as a year in a life.  Quite clever and fun for the kids as they count.  Gotta love Montessori!

Oatmeal, Banana & Chocolate Chip Cookies
 OK, so the lunch box menu:
- Crab Cakes (found at a local farmer's market)
- Whole Wheat Bread
- Mixed Baby Green Salad
- Apple

Baby Greens Salad & Crab Cake

The Quintessential Apple

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 33 - Basil CousCous

Back to the grind.  Spent a week in Disney World and my stomach is still reeling.  One day I did manage to pack us a lunch of hummus and cucumbers in a whole wheat wrap, but the other 4 days...well, let's just say it wasn't quite so healthy.

One meal in Animal Kingdom was quite delicious - at Tuskers, a Morrocan-influenced restaurant.  We found this pearled couscous that was really tasty.   Had basil and olive oil and peppers in it.  So, we tried it here at home and it ended up in the kid's lunch today.  It also ended up coming home uneaten (full disclosure) - so they had it for dinner and they really liked it.  Had to force them a bit to eat something new.  Really, it is not so new - couscous is actually tiny pasta. It just looks different.  The pearled version is plump and juicy, unlike the rice-like, more common version that I was used to.

Even though the cold weather hit NJ this past week, we had one more picking of fresh basil off our deck planter to add to the couscous.  Quite tasty if I don't say so myself!

- Basil Couscous (with poblano peppers)
- Carrots & Homemade Hummus (got rather energetic my day back from Disney World and cooked up a bunch of things yesterday)
- Apple
- Apple Chips for snack

Basil Couscous

Hummus, Carrots & Apple
Apple Chips