Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 56 - Stir Fry

Today's lunch went over like a lead balloon.  It's now dinnertime, and guess what my kids are eating?  Yes, lunch...with a little shredded romano on top!

- Stir Fry - spinach, leeks, potato gnocchi, brown rice (yes, a little unusual, but it did taste good - the gnocchi was more like added potato)
- Apple & Mango Chips
- Oatmeal Sesame Square

(Of course the apple/mango chips and the oatmeal sesame square were eaten at lunch.)

Apple & Mango Chips (homemade)

Stir Fry
Oatmeal Sesame Squares


  1. That stir-fry sounds delicious! I would have taken their leftovers!

  2. Nice recipe, I already cook it and pair to my stir fried chicken. Thanks for sharing it here and I'm sure that many people will like your recipe.
