Friday - last day of the week - time to clean out the refrigerator! STIR FRY.
Le Menu Complete
- Chicken & Brown Rice Stir Fry
- Baby Cukes
- Chocolate Pie
So, I took the remaining brown rice I made earlier this week. Whenever I make a grain, I double the amount I expect to use just so I can use it later in the week. To reconstitute it prior to throwing it in the stir fry, I warmed it in some chicken stock. Adds flavor and revives the rice to a nice, plumb consistency (vs. dried).
Leftover Brown Rice with Chicken Stock |
Meanwhile, I cut up a shallot, carmelized it in some olive oil over medium heat, then chopped up some carrots, zucchini and spinach, adding the veggies in that order so that the harder ones were cooked longer. At the last minute, I chopped up some leftover chicken and put it in.
Leftover Stir fry |
Then combined the rice with the stir fry - voila, a hot lunch in 10 minutes, total time to prep and cook. Then into the Thermos for transport to school.
The baby cukes are still a hit. For perspective, here is a photo of them next to a medium-sized banana:
Baby Cukes and a Banana |
And the treat (yes, the odd time I do add a treat): CHOCOLATE PIE!
Heh-heh - you might think I'm being decadent - main ingredient? Avocados. No sugar, no flour, no added fat (except for what is found naturally in the walnut & coconut crust and avocados). The sweetnesss? 100% pure maple syrup. The chocolate? Organic raw cacao powder. Chalk full of antioxidants. But, of course, the kids don't care about all of that. It is super delicious and velvety! I did make it at couple of nights ago and put it in the freezer. By the time it gets eaten at school, it will be chilled chocolate pie.
Bon Appetite and Bon Fin De Semaine!